Abstract Submission Closed October 20, 2023.

Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting. Example word document available for download. Abstracts will be reviewed ANONYMOUSLY. In the submission form, please enter your abstract without any identifying information. The word document will be included in the abstract book and should have your name and affiliations.

1.    Abstracts should be submitted through this online submission system only.

2.    Abstracts must be submitted in English.

3.    All accepted abstract submitters will receive confirmation by email. Include your your correct email address and telephone number when submitting your abstract. Please also include your social media links if you would like them to be available for other attendees (ie. Twitter, Instagram, lab website).

4.    Authors agree that their abstract will be published in the Symposium Program. Please note, it would be published exactly in your submitted abstract document as it has been provided without any of editing.

5.    Title your abstract document with the presenting author’s surname_keyword (for example: Tjaden_HSCRDiet)


1.    Maximum length (body of abstract): 400 words.

2.    Abstract must be uploaded in a Microsoft Word Document. Left justify layout and use Arial 11 font.

3.    The title should be written in UPPER CASE (capitals). Please keep it as short as possible, clearly indicating the nature of the investigation, and minimize the use of abbreviations.

4.    Add affiliations for all authors. Please indicate professional addresses of all authors. Presenting author should be in bold.

5.    Check spelling and grammar carefully prior to submission. Direct reproduction from your electronically submitted abstract text means that any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific data will be reproduced as submitted.


REGISTER HERE (Early registration ends January 15, 2024)